Managing legal contracts in the music industry.

Charta: Revolutionizing Music Contracts

Managing legal contracts  in the music industry.


August 2, 2023




UX Design

UX Research


The client

Charta is redefining the way musicians manage contracts, founded with the vision of an entertainment attorney aimed at saving creators from the traditional hassles of contract management. They offer a streamlined, cost-effective solution for crafting, negotiating, and signing music contracts, bringing the entire process into the modern digital age. Charta's platform is designed to be intuitive and accessible, putting control back in the hands of artists and producers.

Simplifying Legalities in Music Collaboration

Musicians and producers often face daunting legal challenges and costs when creating and managing contracts for collaborations, rights, and royalties. Traditional methods are time-consuming, expensive, and often require specialized legal knowledge. Charta recognized the need for a simpler, more transparent, and faster way to handle contracts, one that aligns with the pace and budget of modern music creators.

A Digital Renaissance in Music Contracting

Charta introduces a revolutionary approach to music contracts by offering a digital platform where artists can create, negotiate, and sign contracts in plain English. The platform is designed for speed and clarity, reducing contract completion time from months to as little as 10 minutes and at a fraction of the cost of traditional legal services. Its features include a straightforward questionnaire to outline terms, direct negotiation tools on the platform, and secure digital signing and storage. This approach empowers artists with a better understanding of their agreements and streamlines the collaboration process.

Empowerment and Efficiency in the Music Industry

Charta is trusted by over 9,000 artists and producers worldwide, reflecting its widespread adoption and effectiveness. The platform's ability to drastically reduce the time and cost associated with contracts has made it a go-to solution for the music industry. Testimonials from users highlight the platform's ease of use, the empowerment it offers, and the significant savings in time and money. Charta's innovative solution not only simplifies the contract process but also enhances the creative freedom and collaboration among artists.

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